Fine & Performing Arts
A robust commitment to the Fine and Performing Arts can be seen at every stage of Annapolis’ educational programs. Playing an instrument, singing, drawing, painting, sculpting, and acting help form the hearts and moral imaginations of students. The Arts represent a playful and joyful engagement with reality and are instrumental in engaging the affections and passions of students and directing them to love what is Good, True, and Beautiful.
From our youngest to oldest students, Annapolis’ comprehensive Arts program encompasses curricular and co-curricular instruction in the following areas:
- Musical Arts: Choir, Band, Music Appreciation
- Performing Arts: Theater
- Visual Arts: Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Ceramics
Performing Arts
Musical and performing arts at Annapolis plays a critical role in giving students the opportunity to explore the rich and diverse world of classical music and theater. According to Zachary Vreeman in “Model for Teaching Musical Discernment in the Christian Secondary School” 2008, “The goal of Christian education should be to enable students both to choose excellent music and recognize their task regarding its uses.” We believe that God’s creation of music means that it has a purpose for it in our lives. To teach us, for us to gain an appreciation and deeper understanding of our Divine Creator, and ultimately worship Him.

Visual Arts
The visual arts are a very important piece of the education of an Annapolis student. Throughout their education they will discover and learn about many different kinds of artwork throughout history and the various mediums used. Guided art begins in Kindergarten as students are learning the fundamentals of drawing using various tools. It continues on by pairing appropriate art pieces with the historical time periods each class is studying.