Category Archives: Chapel

What the kingdom of God is…not

In CS Lewis’ book The Last Battle, which is the seventh and last book in the Chronicles of Narnia series, towards the end of that book he writes about a garden that Aslan, the lion, leads Lucy and her friend Mr. Tumnus to.  He writes: The further up and further in you go, the bigger […]

What is the Kingdom of God?

What if I walked across the street to the local school and walked into the office, saw myself back into the principal’s office and sat down in the chair?  What if I got on the intercom and said, “Your attention please, everyone has a 15 minute recess, starting now.” What do you think would happen […]


We will be studying the beatitudes this school year and how Jesus calls his children to live and work in God’s kingdom.  Today we are going to talk about the thing that allows you to be a part of God’s kingdom and that is faith. You can’t just show up at the door, ring the […]


It was not good enough that he would be a king of Narnia.  He wanted to be the king.  It was not good enough to enjoy the bounty of the forest around him and eat of the generosity of the forest animals, Edmund, a character from CS Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, […]


It seemed like such a small thing at first.  It would be much easier and no one was around to catch them doing it.  Christian and Hopeful had just escaped the horror that was Vanity Fair.  In John Bunyan’s classic book, Pilgrims Progress, he describes Christian’s journey from the city of destruction to the celestial […]


I grew up on a farm.  My mom loved horses so I grew up riding them and taking care of them.  We spent so much time with our horses that I could go out to the pasture and jump onto my horse bareback with no bridle and just by using pressure from my legs and […]


How many of you wear glasses or contacts?  Why do you wear them? It is because something is lacking in your vision and the glasses, with the lenses in them, corrects the problem.  Without those glasses you see blobs. You don’t see rightly. We have worked our way through Psalm 1.  I realize that it […]


For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Two weeks ago we talked about how everyone has a destiny.  Destiny means that there are certain events in the future that will happen.  When Darth Vader tries to get Luke Skywalker to turn to the dark side, […]


Have you ever wondered why we love a selfie?  It has become such an obsession that phone camera designers added the ability to turn a camera around by a push of a button.  Instead of pointing the camera outward, you can flip it around and point it at yourself. Why do we love pictures of […]


“For the Lord knows the way of the righteous.” Let’s be honest, it is very hard to live a righteous life.  To truly obey God and his commands day in and day out. It is hard to obey right away all the way with a happy heart.  To not complain and grumble. To say no […]