Preschool at Annapolis Christian Academy – The Foundation of Classical Christian Education

Preschool at Annapolis Christian Academy – The Foundation of Classical Christian Education

Preschool years are crucial for providing a firm foundation in your child’s education. We believe that a classical approach to Christian education in a private school means that children are being set up for future success in education. A young child should experience a variety of guided teaching moments at their preschool with ample time and freedom to create and play. Pretend play and executive functioning are linked to increased problem-solving skills, communicating clearly, creativity, and the ability to delay gratification or self-control. These early childhood skills are the foundation of classical education and the private school experience your child will receive at Annapolis Christian Academy in Corpus Christi, TX.

At Annapolis Christian Academy, our philosophy is as Piaget’s –“Play is the work of a child.” Our multifaceted program based in classical Christian education provides thematic units that engage, integrate, and teach across all curricular areas including teacher directed instruction in multi-sensory learning centers, songs, chants, creative movement, play, and exploration. Our private school students spend their days exploring the concepts of Math and Science. Preschool students  develop a love for reading with Phonics, Phonemic Awareness and Literature, and engage their imaginations with Music, Art, and Movement, while promoting development in a number of areas.

Corpus Christi preschool students at Annapolis Christian Academy experience all of these things in a loving, Christian environment. Classical Christian education is designed to foster children spiritually, cognitively, physically and socially. Our classically trained Christian Academy teachers lead their student-centered classrooms, modeling the fruits of the spirit and giving the children time to explore, to play and to contribute to the learning through music and art activities.

C.S. Lewis said, “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” At Annapolis Christian Academy, we believe that children of all ages shape our future and teach us so much about the kingdom of God. Our classical education based curriculum is how we invest in our preschool students. Starting with a classical Christian education in preschool, the greater the greater the chance that these preschool students will make a positive impact on their world and those around them.

To learn more about preschool at Annapolis Christian Academy in Corpus Christi, TX, we invite you to schedule a tour with our Admissions Coordinator.

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